Craft Brewery Equipment

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Company Profile

Shandong Ruijia Brewing Technology Co.,Ltd

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Product details

With more than 20 years manufacturing expertise and creative flexibility to build brewhouses, our Ruijia craft brewery equipment is specially designed to breweries which is from small scale, medium to large scale. We offer microbrewery (mini brewery) with the capacity from 50L to 10000L per brew. Our service includes: complete set of microbrewery equipment, turn key installation, recipes and technology of branded beers, staff training and more.

We provide turnkey brewing systems, and offer a full line of mash system tuns, hot water tanks, fermentation tanks, Brite tanks and packaging equipment to accommodate your new brewhouse. From design and drawings to manufacturing to installation and on-site training, Ruijia team will be always waiting for providing a unique, easy-to-operate brewing system that will make brewing great beer easy for your team.



Description & Specification


Milling System

Malt Mill

material: stainless steel 304,    crushing mode: electrical double roller.

1 pc

Mashing System 2 Vessels

Mash Tun & Boiling Kettle    stainless steel red copper

material: stainless steel 304,    volume: effective 500L, tank shape: dish top and 150°conical bottom, three    layers thickness: inner shell 3mm, dimple plate jacket 1.5mm, outer shell 2mm    matt, accessories: fan-shaped manhole on top, CIP pipe & spray ball,    Pt100 platinum resistance thermometer,

1 set

Lauter & Whirlpool Tun    stainless steel red copper

material: stainless steel 304,    tank shape: conical top and flat bottom, three layers thickness: inner shell    3mm, outer shell 2mm matt. upper lauter tun volume: effective 500L, accessories:    glass manhole on top, CIP pipe & spray ball, top mixer, Pt100 platinum    resistance thermometer, lower whirlpool tun volume: effective 500L,    accessories: side manhole, glass tube level gauge, etc.

1 set

Wort Pump

material: stainless steel 304,    capability: 3000L/h,

1 pc

Plate Heat Exchanger

material: stainless steel 304,    exchange area: 7m2,

1 pc

Mash Control Cabinet    Semi-Automatic

material: stainless steel 304,

1 pc

Working Platform & Piping

material: stainless steel 304


Our craft brewery equipment features below:

· Combined Mash / Lauter Tun

· Combined Wort Kettle / Whirlpool

· Motorized rakes in Mash / Lauter Tun

· Vessels made with 304 stainless steel

· VFD to control motor speeds

· Condensation Collection

· Vessel Lighting Assembly

· Level Gauge

· Signt glass with LED light